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Our Check-in Process

Before Your Arrival

Please make certain you have completed your intake form before arrival.​

Please click  "Intake Form 1" for TMJD Clinical Intra-Oral Massage:​

Please click "Intake Form 2" for Active Lifestyle & Pain Management:​

Please click "Intake Form 3" for Swedish/ Deep Tissue:​

When You Arrive

Advanced Care Massage doesn't currently have a dedicated receptionist, however, Louisville Lifestyle Medicine will say hello, and tell you where the restroom is located. Our building has two waiting areas and you may sit where you like. Feel free to use the facilities before your treatment.

Get Comfortable

If you are not wearing loose-fitting clothing, you may need to remove it for your comfort, but ultimately, your comfort level is the most important factor to consider. Your therapist will step out momentarily, allowing you to disrobe (to your comfort level) and lay on a table underneath the top sheet and blanket. During your massage, your therapist will only uncover the areas of your body they’re working on.​

During Your Treatment

The session is a customized session focusing on specific parts of your body. And remember, your comfort matters. Feel free to talk with your therapist as much, or as little, as you wish.


It’s important to try and relax your mind and muscles during your treatment. Breathe normally and try not to tighten or contract your muscles. Maintain open lines of communication with your therapist if you’d like to provide feedback on their pressure or techniques.​

Wrapping Up

When your treatment is complete, your therapist will wait outside while you dress. When you’re ready, please open the door so we may enter. You may feel a little disoriented after the treatment, which is completely normal. 

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